Paradise, Maine by
Jackson R. Thomas
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Paradise, Maine is the first title by author Jackson R. Thomas that I’ve read, and I can tell you that it certainly won’t be the last. This is actually the 2nd novel by Thomas, the first being The Beast of Brenton Woods.
Paradise, Maine tell the tale of a married couple who’ve been going through troubles. In an attempt to smooth things over, Darren secures a trip to a secluded cabin in the beautiful town the book takes its name from. As we all know, nothing good in life is free, and there is something quite sinister going on behind the scenes. Can they escape Paradise, or will this be a trip straight to hell?
If this setup sounds like something you might read in a Ketchum or Laymon work, then you’ve hit the nail on the head here. It channels works like that in the best way possible. I don’t want to give anything away, but The Watcher isn’t your average psycho in the woods, and I enjoyed the story behind him.
Our Main players in this story, Darren and Vanis are developed better than I’d expect in a novel like this. There’s enough time exploring their marriage and feelings about where it’s been and their future to make them feel like a real couple trying to fix their marriage.
Again, I don’t want to go into spoilers, but Paradise isn’t exactly what it seems, and there’s real potential here for further exploration. I wish it could have happened in this story, but that may have brought the book to a length undesirable for the story being told. That being said, I’m hopeful that we get more in this universe.
Gore hounds will find plenty to be satisfied about here. The Watcher is a brutal antagonist. He has an insatiable bloodlust and he likes to play with his prey, making for some scenes that will surely make you rethink staying in the woods. He’s got some backstory and he’s got history in the story, much of it left open.
When I finished reading Paradise, Maine I found myself pleasantly surprised. I do enjoy novels like this, although they aren’t my favorite type of horror novel. I found myself enjoying this title much more than I anticipated. Jackson R. Thomas has a sequel to The Beast of Brenton woods coming in 2020 and I’m hoping that with plenty of room for more books in this universe on either side of the timeline, that Thomas will be willing to revisit Paradise.