Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Reddening Review

The ReddeningThe Reddening by Adam Nevill

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Reddening served as my introduction to the work of Adam Nevill. That being said, I hadn’t even finished the book before buying 3 more of his novels, it’s that good.

An ancient cave network dating back to prehistoric times is discovered. Within the network of caves, evidence of cannibalism and barbaric sacrifices occurring throughout history are uncovered. While covering the dig site for a local magazine, Kat meets up with a woman named Helene who has not come to grips with her brother’s suicide. Cave recordings taken by Helene's brother draw her to one of the last places he visited before killing himself. What is discovered turns out to be deeper and more horrible than anyone imagined.

The Reddening is a wonderfully written horror novel. Nevill does an immaculate job of describing the environments within these pages. It was easy for me to close my eyes and envision the cliffs, the paths, the caves of a country that I’ve never been to. The descriptions do a wonderful job of setting the atmosphere and tone while Nevill keeps the tension high for the duration of the book. Barbaric rituals and brutal violence live within these pages, as those who serve the red will go to great lengths to do so. There are enough twists in here to keep the reader intrigued, and the conclusion of the book was well done.

As I mentioned before, The Reddening is the type of book that compels you to buy more from the author. I suspect this is a feeling Nevill fans are already familiar with, and for those who aren’t, prepare to read your new favorite author.



  1. I still haven't read anything by him. I need to rectify that, and soon. Great review!

    1. Thank you! I had heard a lot of good things and about halfway through I ended up buying 3 more of his lol
